
ARTinclusive – a project that started in 2019 and lasted 3 years because of the Covid pandemics. It provided a space for youth workers to experience, exchange and develop new methodologies for implementing activities in the local reality for inclusion of people with special needs by using theatre and performance arts.


  1. To introduce participants with and make them experience theatre methods (traditional and not traditional) as a tool for working with youth on the topics of inclusion and human rights.
  2. To develop new methods for communication and inclusion for people with special needs by carrying out a training course for youth workers on social theatre.
  3. To put the new methods into practice.
  4. To exchange different experiences from the field of theatre and the various ways in which different organizations use theatre as a tool for inclusion through an evaluation meeting.
  5. To share the impact of the previous training activity and build a platform of partners for new projects related to theatre for inclusion.
  6. To create a booklet of the recommendations on inclusiveness in theatre and performance arts.

The Training Course “ArtInclusive” took place in Luxembourg on 30 September – 9 October 2019. As a result of it, participants created experiential art performances that became video etudes!

✔️ Daily Routine –

✔️ Appearances –

✔️ Interconnection –

✔️ What’s Holding You Back? –

The project was organized by the Amitiés Luxembourg – Arménie a.s.b.l and Doctor Cinema Youth NGO, financed by the Erasmus+ Programme, Luxembourgish National Agency – Anefore.

During the ARTinclusive Seminar that took place in Yerevan, Armenia on 23 – 30 September 2021, participants developed and finalized a handbook for youth workers willing to work with people with disabilities. Download the e-book