About ALA

The mission of the ALA is to assist and strengthen the Luxembourgish society where cultural diversity is respected and valorised, and where people from different cultural backgrounds work hand in hand for the solution of global problems and for sustainable development.

Aims and objectives of the organization:

  • Promotion of intercultural, inter-religious and inter-civilization dialogue;
  • Consolidation of the potential of representatives of different cultures for the solution of global challenges;
  • Promotion of the cultures and sub-cultures represented in Luxembourg.
  • Organization of various international youth projects in the framework of the programs of Council of Europe and European Commission.

ALA was registered in the beginning of 2016 but the initiative group started its activities already in 2014 when with 3 of the representatives of the Armenian community in Luxembourg participated in the “No hate speech” campaign of the Council of Europe.

As a follow up idea the initiative group of the organisation implemented raising awareness campaign on combating hate speech. The organisation started a number of the workshops on intercultural learning in the frame of which representatives of the different cultural, language, national and religious communities of Luxembourg had workshops to present singularities of their cultures and try to find commonalities with the others. The outcomes of the workshops are going to be presented to the society through the photo exhibition that is going to be presented in upcoming months.

Since the initiative group of the organisation consists of youth workers, the trainers of human rights education and intercultural learning ALA develops its methodological toolbox for the realization of Intercultural Learning activities and has developed several exercises, handouts, presentations, simulations, role plays and other tools for intercultural, inter-faith and other types of activities. The members of ALA have taken part in the organization of various intercultural activities in Luxembourg and Armenia, neighboring countries, European countries.  

Even before the registration of ALA, the association team worked in coordinating some Erasmus+ youth projects that happened in Armenia in cooperation with some Luxembourgish entities, like the Association des Egyptiens au Luxembourg and the Foreign Students in Luxembourg youth group. As part of these projects took place in Armenia or with participants from the team of ALA.